La revista Llis i Ras, en blog!!

dimarts, 31 de març del 2009

Recorda l'Alemany

T’atreveixes? Recordes com es declinen els articles, pronoms i els adjectius en Alemany?
Engel an d...... Wegesrand
Sie wird auf Weltreise gehen. Wie fast jed...... Tag in d...... vergangen...... sieben Jahren. Sie hat es nicht weit. Sie braucht bloß d...... Tür ihr...... Hauses zu öffnen, d..... Steinstufen hinunter und d...... wenig...... Schritte zu ihr...... alt...... Schreibtisch zu gehen, d...... an d...... Wegesrand steht. Dort setzt sie sich unter d...... knorrig...... Feigenbaum, d...... an heiß...... Tagen etwas Schatten und bei Regen ein...... trocken...... Platz bietet.

Picnic a Can Rafart

La classe S2D

vam fer un picnic a Can Rafart i aquí us expliquem com ens va anar, però per fer les coses una mica més entretingudes, hem canviat els temps verbals per un color, series capaç de canviar els colors pels temps verbals corresponents?

Last Wednesday the class S2D go to Can Rafart. We be very well organized; Maria bring a big and comfortable blanket, Núria ice creams, Laura drinks, Sandra and Tere snacks and Vilma cookies.

We start reading a short story from Roald Dahl, The Parsons pleasure, and after knowing the plot of the story, it be too long, we start talking about books we already read or we read in that moment.

While Nuria talk about the book she read, come a lady dressed in white; white coat, white trousers, white jersey, even white shoes carrying a box with a cat inside. We watch the lady fascinated, even Nuria stop talking, and then she open the box and take out a completely white cat and begin to walk the cat in front of us. What an opportunity to speak English!!! We imagine aloud different things that can happen to the cat…., it take a bath in the lake, it fight against a little dog that be there, they become friends and both go away leaving their owners. It be quite amusing!

Time fly fast and it be already time to go home. We decide that the picnic be a success, our aim be accomplished; we talk nearly 95 % of the time with out complaining!!